10/11/12 January 2017

Lauba- House for Art and People/
prilaz Baruna Filipovića 23a, Zagreb

Eduzgraf professional workshops include different formats of working with renowned international and local designers and theoreticians and international students of visual communications design and similar disciplines (art history, architecture, visual art). The workshops focus on a design examining and challenging its social impact, socially responsible communication strategies, interdisciplinarity, and foster self-reflection on the essential working conditions in the field of design and professional principles. The works created as a result of this training course will be presented at Zgraf 12.

Museum of Future – Fanzine of Future Events / 10, 11 and 12 January  /11.00 am – 7.00 pm
msha_majaworkshop leaders: Maja Kolar and Maša Poljanec, designers





Death in Design: That, or anything else Sprint to the last breath / 12 January / 1.00 – 5.30 pm

161020 zgraf skiciranje_tina

workshop leaders: Barbara Predan and Petra Černe Oven, designers and theoreticians




Brief Introduction into the History of Graphic Design and Visual Communications in Our Country 1945-1990 / 10 and 11 January / 4.00 -8.00 pm

Autor fotografije/ portreta: Robert Gojevićworkshop leader: Dejan Kršić, graphic designer and theoretician
photo by Robert Gojević