Eduzgraf is part of Zgraf 12’s programme conceived as a creative educational platform. Programme is consisted of four parts: Eduzgraf exhibition of student works on the Zgraf 12 Theme ‘Social Reruns’, Eduzgraf professional workshops, Eduzgraf evenings and Eduzgraf for children and youth. Eduzgraf’s programme is conceptually designed and coordinated by Mihaela Richter, art historian and one of the heads of the program Curatorial Platform .

Eduzgraf exhibition of student works on the Zgraf 12 Theme ‘Social Reruns’ is intended primarily for design and visual communication students and emerging, up-and-coming designers. The student exhibition will be presented as a separate segment, along with the works of professional designers in the Zgraf 12 Main Exhibition, consisting of Review and Theme. By including students in the Zgraf Theme, this year’s edition of Eduzgraf is for the first time making an additional outreach to build a bridge between the educational sector, professional design practice and supporting institutions. The aim of the open call was to give an extra boost and kick to young designers and examine their work in comparison to the ones made by professional designers. The selection process for ‘Social Reruns’ Theme Exhibition was conducted by the Zgraf 12 Selection Committee consisting of: Damir Bralić, Antonio Dolić,  Miranda Herceg, Mihaela Richter and Ana Tomić.

A total of 33 design works are accepted, by 29 authors from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Montenegro, Croatia, China, Hungary, Poland, Slovenia, Serbia and United Kingdom.

Eduzgraf professional training workshops include different formats of working with renowned international and local designers and theoreticians and international students of visual communications design and similar disciplines (art history, architecture, visual art). The workshops focus on a design examining and challenging its social impact, socially responsible communication strategies, interdisciplinarity, and foster self-reflection on the essential working conditions in the field of design and professional principles. The works created as a result of this workshops will be presented at Zgraf 12.

Eduzgraf plans the following workshops: Museum of Future – Fanzine of Future Events, mentored by designers Maja Kolar and Maša Poljanec; Death in Design, mentored by designers and theoreticians Barbara Predan, PhD, and Petra Černe Oven, PhD; and Brief Introduction into the History of Graphic Design and Visual Communications in Our Country 1945-1990, mentored by graphic designer and theoretician Dejan Kršić.

Eduzgraf Evenings will give an overview of the entire programme and connect all the Eduzgraf and Zgraf participants at special events. Eduzgraf Evenings will include student workshop presentations, the Personal Expert programme giving visitors a chance for a one-hour one-on-one conversation with renowned designers and design theoreticians to find out all about their practice and ideas, as well as many other design-related treats.

In addition, Eduzgraf will host a one-day international symposium under the name of Practicing Design, organised by the Croatian Designers Association (HDD) and VERN’ University of Applied Sciences, as part of the two-year Practicing Design project (Erasmus +) which focuses on designer training and promotion of a practical approach to design. Practicing Design project partners are Austria (designaustria), Croatia (Croatian Designers Association, VERN’, Prostoria) and Macedonia (Public Room, EURM, Zavar).

Eduzgraf for children and youth will include weekend workshops for different age groups in association with Lauba’s programme Laubica, as well as specialised guided Zgraf 12 tours for primary and secondary schoolchildren.


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