Where: Lauba – People and Art House, Zagreb, Croatia

When: 9-24 January 2017


EduZgraf is announcing a public call for student works to enter for exhibiting at Zgraf 12! All the interested BA and MA students of graphic design, visual communications and similar disciplines, Croatian and international, are invited to enter their works in the public call for exhibits. This year’s theme is called Social Reruns and the student exhibition will be presented as a separate segment along the works of professional designers selected for the central Zgraf 12 exhibition, consisting of Review and Theme.

The aim of this public call is to support and endorse young up-and-coming designers and compare their work to the work of already accomplished professional designers. The submitted entries should primarily be new solutions designed as original concepts to the official Zgraf 12 theme, Social Reruns. However, existing works covering the same matter are also eligible to apply. The works can be made in any medium and focus on a specific segment of visual communications (illustrations, photography, typography) or audiovisual media.

The exhibition will include works/projects designed and/or realised in the period between 1 January 2013 and the closing of the public call. At the moment of the making of the work/concept, their authors must be students. The works/projects can be individual, collective or mentored.

Submission deadline: 5 November 2016.

Entries are accepted only via email: eduzgraf@zgraf.hr.

Up to three works/projects can be entered, individually or in a series (one series will be perceived as one work). There is no entrance fee.

The last edition of Zgraf 11 curated the exhibition First Things First for the central part of EduZgraf. Back then our aim was, in line with changes in the field of advertising, graphic design, economy and culture, to observe the works made at educational institutions as incubators of approaching and analysing design in the broader sense. This year’s edition of EduZgraf for the first time includes students in the central Theme of the entire festival, making a step forward in bridging the gap between the education sector, professional design practice and supporting institutions.

Today, when graphic design and visual communications act as inevitable movers and shakers of our environment and communities, the education process emerges as one among the most significant platforms in questioning the roles (designer-client-recipient) and priorities. The values and approach to design created inside the educational institutions are the key formative step for generations of young designers who will build the visual language and communication strategies for the future.

Communication is an evergreen field of experiment. However, constant reruns and reinterpretations of old visual forms in recent contexts of social standards and values are also ever present. Each edition of Zgraf has a theme framework focusing on a certain burning issue in the field of design. This edition focuses on Social Reruns, analysed in his essay by Zgraf 12’s guest theoretician Rick Poynor. The essay should be referred to as a source of inspiration for Theme works (Poynor link – CRO/ENG).

Apart from the exhibition at Lauba, the selected pieces will be included in the bilingual Zgraf 12 catalogue and presented on the official website, www.zgraf.hr.

The selection team judging the student entries on the subject of Social Reruns consists of: Miranda Herceg, Damir Bralić, Antonio Dolić, Mihaela Richter and Ana Tomić.

After the selection of exhibits by the selection committee, the Zgraf 12 International Jury will select the best student work/project to receive the Zgraf 12 special mention.


Submission deadline: 5 November 2016.

Entries are accepted only via email: eduzgraf@zgraf.hr.

Up to three works/projects can be entered, individually or in a series (one series will be perceived as one work). There is no entrance fee.


The entry should include:

  1. An EduZgraf application form (containing information about the work and the author/s).
  2. Visuals: zipped visuals should be in jpeg format, CMYK, 300dpi, approximately A4 size (210x297mm) and named as follows: work_title_ordinalnumber.jpg (e.g., future_1.jpg). All the visuals should be archived in a zip file, renamed to work_title.zip, and uploaded via Jumbomail, Senspace or WeTransfer. Up to five (5) visuals of a single work are accepted.
  3. A document confirming your student status or a retrograde document (in case you are no longer a student). The document should be sent in a digital form (photograph/scan).

The applications arrived past the deadline at EduZgraf’s email, as well as incomplete applications, will not be considered.

The authors of selected works will be notified via email about the selection results no later than 10 November 2016. A list of accepted entries and authors will also be posted on the official website, www.zgraf.hr, no later than 10 November 2016.



After the results of the official selection are made public, the authors are kindly asked to deliver their work/s no later than 1 December 2016 to the ULUPUH office at the following address:

ULUPUH / Zgraf 12 / EduZgraf, Preradovićeva 44, 10 000 Zagreb, Croatia

For packages sent by post, please state “competition entry / no commercial value / free domicile”.

Works up to B1 size should be delivered in their original format. Works larger than B1 are to be sent as copies (digital print) in print proof quality and B1 size (the smallest possible format is A3).

  •  New media works should be delivered on a DVD, in mp4 format. Original multimedia applications and presentations should be sent on a DVD. Websites or segments (banners) should be sent on a DVD.
  • If the entry is a design concept, it should be carried out in a B1 format.
  • All the printed works should be delivered in their original printed forms, without laminating etc.

Should you have any question, please write at eduzgraf@zgraf.hr.


The organiser does not cover the cost of transportation or insurance. The selected works should be delivered in one copy and remain permanent exhibits in the Zgraf collection.