Programme of Zgraf’s 12th edition includes Review and Theme exhibition, Grand Prix 11 exhibition, Eduzgraf student exhibition, lectures and workshops for adults and children, film programme Eduzgraf Cinema and Practincing Design conference.


Zgraf 12 locations:

Lauba – People and Art House /                                                                       Gallery ULUPUH /
Zgraf 12 Main exhibition and Eduzgraf                                                          Grand Prix Zgraf 11 exhibition
Prilaz baruna Filipovića 23/a, Zagreb                                                                  Tkalčićeva 14, Zagreb


MONDAY, 9/1/2017
Zgrafa 12 exhibition opening / 7 pm / Lauba

International exhibition of graphic design and visual communications – Review, Theme and Eduzgraf

OFF programme / 10.00 pm / Pločnik, Međimurska ulica 21, Zagreb

TUE/WED/THUR, 10/11/12 January /2017
Eduzgraf Workshops / Lauba

The MoF – Fanzine of Future Events, workshop mentors: Maja Kolar and Maša Poljanec / 10, 11 and 12 January  /11.00 am – 7.00 pm
Death in Design: That, or Anything Else — Sprint to the Last Breath, workshop mentors: Barbara Predan, PhD and Petra Černe Oven, PhD / 12 January / 1.00 – 5.30 pm
Brief Introduction into the Local History of Graphic Design and Visual Communications 1945-1990, workshop mentor: Dejan Kršić / 10 and 11 January / 4.00 -8.00 pm

FRIDAY, 13/1/2017
Personal Expert / 8.00 pm / Lauba

Eduzgraf Personal experts are: Bruketa & Žinić, Damir Gamulin, Dejan Kršić, Kuna zlatica (Ana Kunej), Oaza (Ivana Borovnjak and Tina Ivezić), Peng Peng (Martin Geel and Klaus Fromherz), Radovan Jenko, Rick Poynor, This Town Needs Posters (Hrvoje Spudić and Sven Sorić).

SATURDAY, 14/1/2017.
Zgraf Words / 11.00 am – 7.30 pm / Lauba

Lectures by members of the Zgraf 12 International Jury: Rick Poynor, Radovan Jenko, Jianping He and Grand Prix 11 winners – Swiss design studio Peng Peng.
Rick Poynor / 11.00 am – 12.00 am
Radovan Jenko / 4.00 – 5.00 pm
Jianping He / 5.15 – 6.15 pm
Peng Peng / 6.30 – 7.30 pm

Zgraf 12 award ceremony / 8.00 pm / Lauba

Eduzgraf Workshops – presentation / 9.00 pm / Lauba

OFF program / 10.00 pm / Vinyl bar&bar, Bogovićeva ulica 3, Zagreb

SUNDAY, 15/1/2017
Laubice – creative art workshops for children / 12.00 am and 3.00 pm / Lauba


MONDAY, 16/1/2017
Grand Prix 11 exhibition opening – Peng Peng / 7.00 pm / ULUPUH Gallery


FRIDAY, 20/1/2017 / 5.00 – 10.00 pm
Eduzgraf Evening: Eduzgraf Cinema / Lauba

Film programme organized in collaboration with 25 FPS – Audiovisual Research Association

Social Nostalgia?/ 5.00 – 6.00 pm
Lunch, Ana Hušman / 2008, 17′ 20”, Croatia, Bonobostudio
Arheo 29, Vladislav Knežević / 2010, 9’30”, Croatia, Bonobostudio
Kino Crvena zvijezda (eng. Red Star Cinema), Silvestar Kolbas / 2014, 10′, Croatia, Silvestar Kolbas

Visual Reflections / 6.00 – 6.30 pm
Moving Elements, Marko Tadić / 2016, 7′, Croatia, Zagreb film
Dota, Petra Zlonoga / 2016, 5′, Croatia, Bonobostudio
Here There, Alexander Stewart / 2015, 5’4”, Croatia, Bonobostudio
Pain so Light that Appears as Tickle, Dalibor Barić / 2010, 4’04”, Croatia, Bonobostudio

Living with Modernism / 6.45 – 8.30 pm
Abode of Vacancy, Tanja Deman / 2011, 7′ 15”, Croatia, Tanja Deman
Betonski spavači (eng. Slumbering Concrete): Brief Encounters along the Adriatic road, Saša Ban / 2016, 50′, Croatia, Hulahop for HTV
Zagreb Confidential – Imaginary Future, Darko Fritz / 2015, 14′, Croatia, Marinis Media
Sve, još uvijek, u orbiti, Dane Komljen and James Lattimer / 2016, 23′, Croatia /Serbia/Germany/Brazil, Restart

Social Reruns / 8.30 – 10.00 pm
Miramare, Michaela Müller / 2009, 8’8”, Croatia/Switzerland, Academy of Fine Art Zagreb and Michaela Müller
The Verdict, Đuro Gavran / 2012, 11′, Croatia, Pipser d.o.o.
An Encounter, Igor Bezinović / 2009/2010, 26′, Croatia, RestartDelta – An Affluence of Art, Marin Lukanović / 2015, 26′, Croatia, Filmaktiv


SATURDAY, 21/1/2017 / 9.30 am – 4.00 pm
Practicing Design conference / Lauba

Erasmus+ Practicing Design Project is a collaborative venture of three European vocational design organizations: Croatian Designers Association (Croatia), designaustria (Austria), Public Room (Macedonia); two educational institutions: VERN’ University of Applied Sciences (Croatia), Faculty of Art and Design, European University of Republic of Macedonia; two business companies: Prostoria ltd. (Croatia) and Zavar ltd. (Macedonia).

SUNDAY, 15/1/2017
Laubice – creative art workshops for children / 12.00 am and 3.00 pm / Lauba

Working hours:
Lauba-People and Art House / Zgraf 12 and Eduzgraf
Prilaz baruna Filipovića 23a, Zagreb
Working hours: 11.00 am -10.00 pm / Monday – Sunday

Galerija ULUPUH / Grand Prix Zgraf 11 exhibition
Tkalčićeva 14, Zagreb
Working hours: 11.00 am – 5.00 pm / Monday – Friday
10.00 am – 1.00 pm / Saturday. Closed on Sundays and holidays.