Erasmus+ Practicing Design Project is a collaborative venture of three European vocational design organizations: Croatian Designers Association (Croatia), designaustria (Austria), Public Room (Macedonia); two educational institutions: VERN’ University of Applied Sciences (Croatia), Faculty of Art and Design, European University of Republic of Macedonia; two business companies: Prostoria ltd. (Croatia) and Zavar ltd. (Macedonia). The aim of the project is to find new and innovative design education practice in order to bridge the gap between education and professional work and upgrade designers’ skills necessary for better socio-economic outcomes. The project promotes rethinking and undertaking of innovative practices in education and training on national, regional and international level thus raising the awareness among all stakeholders and the public about the needed enhancement of the quality and relevance of the current design education and training and indispensible links with the world of practice.
The Project has been developed in two phases. The purpose of the final outcome of the first phase: Study Rethinking Design Education was to detect skills and knowledge needed for employability and not provided by design curriculums as well as to create guidelines through identification of the main challenges facing the design practice and education in the 21st century through empirical research of the existing skills mismatch in the design curriculums in Croatia, Austria, and Macedonia. The Study served as a framework for the final output of the second phase: Practicing Design 1.0 Design Training Program, with the complementary Handbook, which integrates cross disciplinary and entrepreneurship skills into a series of educational workshops, encourages collaboration projects between young design professionals, design and business educators and production industry.
Practicing Design Conference will serve as a platform for disseminating the results of conducted Study and Practicing Design 1.0 Training Program to all relevant stakeholders. The first day of the Conference will be organised around discussions and panels of the Participants involved in the pilot Program, conducted in the past several months. The second day of the Conference will be open to general public, and will focuse on raising the questions about informal education in design, design in general education and the future of design education, with an emphasis on regional practices.
JAN 20, 2017 VERN’ Iblerov trg 10, Zagreb
13:00 Registration and coffee
Design Education: Practice Based Teaching And Learning
13:30 – 14:00 Welcoming
Vlatko Cvrtila, dean, VERN’ University of Applied Sciences, Zagreb, Croatia
Practicing Design 1.0 / Training Programme Handbook
Ivana Borovnjak, president, Croatian Designers Association, Zagreb, Croatia
Aleksandar Velinovski, director, Public Room Skopje, Macedonia
Severin Filek, managing director, designaustria, Vienna, Austria
14:00 – 15:00 Design Training Programm
Experiences and Future Challenges from Design Perspective / Practice Based Teaching in Design Curricula (5’ reflections of the teaching, learning, training process followed by a debate)
Moderator: Ivana Borovnjak
Gordana Vrencoska, professor, faculty of Art and Design, EURM, Skopje, Macedonia
Severin Filek, professor, managing director, designaustria, Vienna, Austria
Danijela Domljan, professor, faculty of forestry, Department of furniture and Wood Products, University of zagreb, Croatia
Damir Bralić, assistant professor, independent design expert, zagreb, Croatia
Marko Koržinek, assistant professor, Academy of Applied Arts, University of Rijeka, designer, Koržinek-dizajn, Zagreb, Croatia
Goran Golik, lecturer at Die Graphische and creative director at Golik, Vienna, Austria
15:00 – 16:00 Design Training Programme
Experiences and Future Challenges from Business Perspective / Case Studies (5’ reflections on the design development process followed by a debate)
Moderator: Severin Filek
Marta Naumovska Grnarova, owner and General Manager of zavar Company and Managing Director of zavar Design, Skopje, Macedonia
Nikola Radeljković, designer, Numen / for Use, Prostoria consultant, zagreb, Croatia
Benno Flotzinger, business sector expert, Vienna, Austria
Gordana Ćorić, professor, University of Applied Sciences VERN’, zagreb, Croatia
Biserka Komnenić, professor, business College of Applied Studies, Novi Sad, Serbia
16:00 – 17:00 Lunch break
17:00 – 18:00 Design Training Programme
Experiences and Future Challenges from Students’ Perspective (5’ reflections on the workshop experience process followed by a debate)
Moderator: Aleksandar Velinovski
Oliver Deichmann, designer, osko+Deichmann, berlin, Germany
Tvrtko Bojić, product designer, zagreb, Croatia Ivan Goran Žunar, visual communication designer, zagreb, Croatia
Danijela Savikj, product designer, Skopje, Macedonia
Michael Schwab, product designer, Vienna, Austria
18:00 – 18:30 Questions & Answers
CRoATIAN DESIGNERS ASSoCIATIoN / Boškovićeva 18, Zagreb
19:00 Practicing Design 1.0 Exhibition Opening
JAN 21, 2017 LAUBA- house for Art and People / Zgraf 12 / prilaz Baruna Filipovića 23 a, Zagreb
Practicing Design in Partnership with ULUPUH, the organiser of zgraf 12, and Lauba – People and Art House
09:30 Registration
10:00 – 10:15 Practicing Design 1.0 Training Programme presentation by project Partners
Design Education In The 21st Century Learning By Doing
10:15 – 11:45 New Regional Practices in Design Education, Part 1 (15’ presentations followed by a 30’ conversation)
Moderator: Ivana Borovnjak
BIo 50: Maja Vardjan, curator, Museum of Architecture and Design, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Balkan Design Network: Maja Lalić, Mikser Organization, Belgrade, Serbia /
Nikola Radeljković, designer, Numen / for Use, Prostoria consultant, zagreb, Croatia
Nova Iskra Education Platform: Relja Bobić, Education Platform Coordinator, belgrade, Serbia
D Day International Design festival: Petra Milički, Karla Paliska, program directors, zagreb, Croatia
11:45 – 12:00 Coffee break
12:00 – 13:30 New Regional Practices in Design Education, Part 2 (15’ presentations followed by a 30’ conversation)
Moderator: Damir Bralić
Tirana Design Week: Sonia Jojic, Lecturer at the Department of Architecture and Design, Polis University, Tirana, Albania
Designer: Author or Universal Soldier: Isidora Nikolić, Borut Vild, program directors, design professors, faculty of Media and Communications, Belgrade, Serbia
Interakcije – Speculative Design Educational Platform: Ivica Mitrović, assistant professor, Arts Academy, Split, Croatia
Harald Begusch, Austrian Ministry of Education, representative of the Cluster of Media & Design for Technical Schools and Colleges, Austria
JAN 21, 2017 LAUBA- House for Art and People / Zgraf 12 / prilaz Baruna Filipovića 23 a, Zagreb
13:30 – 15:00 Lunch break
15:00 – 15:45 Design In General Education Veronique Marrier, National Center for Visual Arts (CNAP), Head of Graphic design department, Paris, france 15:45 – 16:15 Questions & Answers
17:00 Tour Around Zgraf 12 International exhibition of graphic design and visual communication
Project Partners:
Austria: designaustria
Croatia: Croatian Designers Association, VERN’ University of Applied Sciences, Prostoria ltd.
Macedonia: Public Room, Faculty of Art and Design EURM, Zavar Company ltd.
Conference organizers:
Croatian Designers Association
VERN’ University of Applied Sciences
The conference is organized in partnership with ZGRAF, Ulupuh
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