LAUBA – People and Art House / 9-24 January 2017
Zgraf, The International Exhibition of Graphic Design and Visual Communications, takes place since 1975 in Zagreb, organised by the Croatian Association of Artists of Applied Arts (ULUPUH). Zgraf 12 takes place 9-24 January 2017 at Lauba – People and Art House, and the theme of the 12th edition, ‘Social reruns’ is the work of the famous British design theoretician Rick Poynor.

Main Exhibition comprises two parts – Review and Theme.

REVIEW / The review exhibition is a regular international exhibition of selected works in the field of graphic design and visual communications realised in the period from 2012 to the submission deadline. Authors or groups of authors submit works in the following categories: visual identity, printed promotional / communication materials, publishing, packaging, signage, advertising, specific sections of visual communications – independently, design for film and electronic media.

THEME / The international themed exhibition ‘Social Reruns’ will present works already realised or works designed specifically for this exhibition in the period from 2012 to the submission deadline. The works may be realised in any medium as long as they communicate the exhibition theme.

This year, the open call received a large number of submitted entries, both from Croatia and abroad, and the selection committee consisting of Boštjan Botas Kenda, Dejan Dragosavac Ruta, Igor Stanišljević, Olivera Stojadinović and Ana Tomić selected 140 works for Review and 26 works to be exhibited at Theme. The selected works arrive from Australia, Czech Republic, Finland, France, Japan, The Netherlands, Germany, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, USA, Slovenia, Serbia, Switzerland, Turkey and Croatia.

Selected participants on Zgraf 12: LINK.

Like every edition thus far, this one will have an International Jury selecting and presenting five awards (Zgraf Grand Prix, Zgraf 1, Zgraf 2, Zgraf Welcome and ico-D Excellence Award) and 10 special diplomas to the best works of Zgraf 12. The Zgraf 12 International Jury consists of Rick Poynor, Radovan Jenko, Vaughan Oliver, Jianping He and Sanja Rocco. The Zgraf Excellence Award – a special honour for a group of exhibitors out of competition will be presented by the Zgraf 12 Selection Committee, and AICA Award – of the International Association of Art Critics (AICA) – will be presented by a jury appointed by the Croatian branch of AICA, consisting of Sandra Križić Roban, Marko Golub and Boris Greiner.

Eduzgraf International Exhibition of student works on the Zgraf 12 Theme ‘Social Reruns’ is intended primarily for design and visual communication students and emerging, up-and-coming designers. The student exhibition will be presented as a separate segment, along with the works of professional designers in the Zgraf 12 Main Exhibition, consisting of Review and Theme. By including students in the Zgraf Theme, this year’s edition of Eduzgraf is for the first time making an additional outreach to build a bridge between the educational sector, professional design practice and supporting institutions. The aim of the open call was to give an extra boost and kick to young designers and examine their work in comparison to the ones made by professional designers. The selection process for ‘Social Reruns’ Theme Exhibition was conducted by the Zgraf 12 Selection Committee consisting of: Damir Bralić, Antonio Dolić,  Miranda Herceg, Mihaela Richter and Ana Tomić. They have selected 33 works by authors from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Montenegro, Croatia, China, Hungary, Poland, Slovenia, Serbia and United Kingdom.

Zgraf 12 is organized by ULUPUH in partnership with Lauba – People and Art House, ico-D (International Council of Design) and Fakat – ideja, organizacija, realizacija.

Zgraf 12 is supported by Zgraf 12 is supported by the City Sector for Culture, Education and Sport, Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Croatia, Embassy of the Republic of Switzerland, Igepa, Hiper, FED and Iskon.
Zgraf 12 media partners are VIZKULTURA, Designed.rs, Presscut and Journal.hr.