Croatian Association of Artists of Applied Art (ULUPUH) invites you to participate in the International Exhibition of Graphic Design and Visual Communications Zgraf 13, to be held from June 10th to 24th, 2025 in Zagreb. Selected works will be exhibited at the exhibition and featured in the exhibition catalogue.
The Zgraf 13 programme is comprised of the following:
1. Main Exhibition │ French Pavilion (SCZG), June 10th-24th, 2025
The Main Exhibition consists of two parts – Review and Theme.
a) REVIEW – an international exhibition of selected works in the field of graphic design and visual communications
b) THEME – an international exhibition of selected realised works and works designed specifically for this exhibition on the theme of PLEASURE TO ALL
2. EduZgraf │ AMZ Gallery, June 16th–24th, 2025
An accompanying educational program and a creative platform consisting of a series of professional workshops, lectures, open competitions for local and international students of design and visual communications, as well as for designers at the beginning of their professional careers.
3. Solo exhibition of the winners of the Zgraf 12 Grand Prix │ Serbian Cultural Centre, June 13th – 24th, 2025
Exhibition of Marija Juza and Nikola Đurek, winners of the Zgraf 12 Grand Prix.
4. Zgraf Words │ Algebra University
A series of lectures by the International Jury and other professionals in the field of design and visual communications.
5. Other accompanying programmes
How to apply?
All works must be submitted exclusively at, via the electronic application form available here: Application. The first part of the application form includes the electronic payment of the registration fee, following which a link to the second part of the application form will be generated.
Submission deadline is March 27th, 2025 at 23:59 CET.
Instructions for uploading materials:
Categories A / 1-7, 9
Documents for uploading should be in .jpeg format, CMYK, 300 dpi in resolution, approximately A4 size (210 x 297 mm) and named name_surname_title_of_work_numberofwork.jpg (e.g. Ivan_Horvat_poster_3.jpg). Textual explanation in .rtf format, consisting of up to 1000 characters, may be attached along with the work. All documents must be archived together in .zip format, named (e.g. and uploaded via the electronic application form.
Category A / 8
Documents for uploading should consist of 3 previews of the submitted work (chosen by the author) in .jpeg format, CMYK, 300 dpi in resolution, approximately A4 size (210 x 297 mm) and named name_surname_title_of_work_numberofwork.jpg (e.g. Ivan_Horvat_poster_3.jpg). Furthermore, in the appropriate field in the electronic application form a link to the realized work or work uploaded to an internet channel (e.g. should be provided. In addition to previews of the work and the URL, textual explanation in .rtf format, consisting of up to 1000 characters, may be added. All documents must be compressed in .zip format, named (e.g. and uploaded via the electronic application form.
Category B/ “Pleasure to All”
Documents for uploading should be in .jpeg format, CMYK, 300 dpi in resolution, approximately A4 size (210 x 297 mm) and named name_surname_title_of_work_numberofwork.jpg (e.g. Ivan_Horvat_poster_3.jpg). Textual explanation in .rtf, consisting of up to 1000 characters, may be attached along with the work. All documents must be archived together in .zip format, named (e.g. and uploaded via the electronic application form.
Participation Fee
The participation fee varies, depending on the country (zone) of the applicant. In addition, the participation fee per individual work decreases as the number of submitted works increases. Payments are to be made electronically during the first step of the electronic application system.
Application process
The main exhibition of Zgraf 13 is an international exhibition in the field of graphic design and visual communications, and includes the review of selected works in the field of graphic design and visual communications, as well as an exhibition of selected works that problematize the presented theme.
Works for both parts of the exhibition will be accepted from February 5th to March 27th, 2025 (23:59 CET).
A) Review
The Review is an international exhibition of selected works in the field of graphic design and visual communications. The exhibition includes works realized from 2017 to the submission deadline.
Works may be submitted exclusively by authors or groups of authors / a studio or an agency. Each author or group of authors may submit a maximum of five works. Authors working in a group may submit five works separately if they were created independently of the group and are not signed as group work. If an author submits more works than the maximum, the first five submitted works will be accepted, while everything over the maximum will not be taken into account.
Entries are submitted via the electronic application form in the following categories:
1. Visual identities and branding
- Logo / brand symbol
- Visual identity applications
- Advertisement, a series of advertisements (promotional campaign)
2. Packaging
- Food and beverage packaging
- Consumer packaging
- Packaging – other
3. Poster
- Single poster
- A series of posters
4. Publications
- Covers: books, film / video and music – single and series
- Books and publications (layout design) – single and series
- “Collateral” (catalogue, promotional brochures and booklets, annual reports, calendars, etc.)
- Periodicals (magazines, newspapers)
5. Information design
- Data visualization
- Signage and spatial orientation
- Spatial information design (technological installations, AR navigation, exhibition design, etc.)
6. Typography
- Original typeface
- Experimental typography (graffiti, etc.)
7. Illustration
- Illustration for books and editorial content
- Corporate illustration
8. Design in the digital media
- UX/UI design
- Micro-animations (motion graphics for web or applications)
9. Experimental and conceptual design
- Conceptual projects
B) Theme
The international exhibition “Pleasure to All” will include works that can be realized, conceived as conceptual solutions or created especially for this occasion. The works may be realized in any medium under the condition that they problematize the theme in some way.
The full text on the theme can be found here.
Note: The organizer reserves the right to publish and use submitted works in Zgraf publications and advertisements, as well as for marketing and promotional purposes.
Sending the selected works
The works selected to compete for Zgraf awards must be submitted no later than May 15th, 2025 to the following address:
Preradovićeva 44
10000 Zagreb
(for postal items, please specify “Competition work/no commercial value/free domicile”).
Instructions for sending the works:
Categories A / 1-7
Works up to B1 size should be submitted in original. Works larger than B1 should be sent as reproductions (digital print), proof quality in sizes up to B1 (minimum size is A3).
Category A / 8
Works from the field of television and film should be sent on DVDs, in mp4 format. Multimedia applications and presentations should be sent in their original form on DVDs. Web pages or their parts (banners) should be sent on DVDs. The organizer will not bear the costs of transport or insurance of the works. Selected works should be sent in one copy and will permanently remain in the possession of Zgraf collection.
Selection process
Submitted works will be selected by a Selection Committee consisting of: Luka Borčić, Damir Bralić, Robert Čanak, Marija Juza, Borut Wild (RS).
The authors of submitted works will be notified on the outcome of the competition by email no later than April 21st, 2025. Within the same period, the list of authors of accepted papers will be published at
The organizer will prepare a catalogue of selected works in Croatian and English, along with the exhibition. Each work will be represented by at least one reproduction. Authors are entitled to a copy of the catalogue free of charge, which they can pick up at the Main Exhibition venue from June 10th to 23rd, 2025.
All selected works will enter the competition for awards.
Awards by the International Jury will be awarded by jurors: Peter Bankov (CZ), Don Ryun Chang (KR), Izvorka Jurić (HR), Melike Taşcıoğlu (TR), Lawrence Zeegen (UK).
Regular Zgraf awards:
- Zgraf Grand Prix – awarded by the International Jury;
- Zgraf 1 – awarded by the International Jury;
- Zgraf 2 – awarded by the International Jury;
- Zgraf Welcome – for young designers/groups up to 27 years of age, awarded by the International Jury
Honourable mentions (max. 10) – 1 to 2 awards in each category, based on the assessment of the quality of works, awarded by the International Jury;
AICA award – The AICA Award (International Association of Art Critics Award) is awarded by the Jury appointed by the Croatian branch of AICA: Boris Greiner, Bojan Krištofić, Feđa Vukić.
The awards will be announced on June 10th, 2025 at the opening of Zgraf 13 and available simultaneously at The International Jury has the right not to give awards if no work, in its opinion, meets the standard for the award. The International Jury has the right to redistribute or halve the awards in proportions that, in its opinion, correspond to the standard of the work.
By applying, the author agrees to the terms and conditions of this call for submissions and is morally and materially responsible for the accuracy of the dation provided.
Contact person
Gabrijela Mamić │
mobile: 00 385 (0)99 561 5589
Organiser: ULUPUH – Croatian Association of Artists of Applied Arts
Partners: Archeological Museum in Zagreb, Algebra University, Croatian Designes Association, French Pavilion (SCZG), Kerschoffset, Igepa Plana, Serb National Council, Zagreb Design Week
Supported by: Ministry of Culture and Media of the Republic of Croatia and the City Office for Culture and Civil Society